Congratulations to Joshua House on raising $9000 at the Drive Out Addiction Golf Tourney!!

Some interesting details from the organizers:
• We had 55 paid golfers and a total of 62 people who stayed for dinner
• We had 21 corporate sponsors and 10 additional companies donate prizes
• We raised over $9000 for the Joshua House for this, our first ever event!
• We heard one incredible testimony from a former client who spent 10 years homeless in Abbotsford and is now clean and working for the Joshua House
• Everyone had a great time, we enjoyed the fellowship, it didn’t rain, the golf was, well, adequate :), and the cause very worthwhile.

Our goal was to have 100% enthusiasm to do it all over again next year and raise the bar even further for support for the Joshua House, and we believe we are well set up for that to happen.

Drive Out Addiction Golf Tourney