Entries by Tanya Richards

Fraser Valley Spring

What a beautiful spring day here in the Fraser Valley!  Blooming trees & flowers, bright blue skies and gorgeous snow-capped Mt Cheam.  We are blessed to have lots of early spring work, and it’s sure enjoyable on a day like today!

BC Poultry Conference

Today Michelle is at the BC Poultry Conference in Vancouver.  The morning started out with the BC Egg campaign handing out egg breakfast sandwiches. Through sponsorships and direct participation, BC Egg supports a range of events and organizations with the goal of connecting the public with egg farmers, educating people about egg nutrition, and encouraging […]

Success with Seeds – Seminar

Interested in learning more about starting plants from seeds?  Expert Brian Minter is holding a seminar this Saturday on the topic: “Starting plants from seeds is a breeze once you know the basics. Brian shares his expertise on how to start seeds, prepare your garden and transplant seedlings and advises on the best soils and […]

Fresh mulch for spring landscaping

Spring is definitely in the air here in the beautiful Fraser Valley!  At Denbow, that means we are busy building our stock by processing fresh piles of mulch. What are the benefits of mulching landscape beds?  Most of us hate pulling weeds – and mulching at 2-3″ depth every other year will help keep those […]

Congratulations to the B.C. Young Farmers of the Year

We would like to congratulate our clients, Brian & Jewel Pauls and Frank Pauls!  “A Chilliwack couple as become the first second-generation winners of the BC Yukon Outstanding Young Farmer program. Brian and Jewel Pauls, who operate a poultry and egg farm in Chilliwack, won the honour in Abbotsford on Jan. 13. Brian’s parents, Frank […]