The Federal Sustainable Development Strategy, presenting new priorities for 2016–2019 that align with the 2030 Agenda – a set of global sustainable development goals, was released to the public in February 2016 for feedback. It reflects the government’s conviction that a clean environment, a strong economy and a good quality of life support one another.

The federal government is asking for help to improve the draft strategy. They want to hear from the public and stakeholders in order to develop high-level sustainable development goals, clear and measurable targets, and concrete action plans for the next three years. Comments on the draft strategy will be accepted until June 24, 2016.

The document is introduced with the following statement, “Sustainable development is about meeting the needs of today without compromising the needs of future generations.”

Topics in alignment with Denbow’s environmental stewardship business model include targets focused on Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Forest Management.

The draft in it’s entirety can be found at the draft website.

Discussion and feedback on the draft can be made at the website.

lets talk sustainability