Hazelnut Tree Grinding

Hazelnut Tree Grinding

With orchards of hazelnut trees being pulled out due to the Eastern Filbert Blight, Denbow provided hazelnut tree grinding services onsite, to help remove the fungus trees.

What is Eastern Filbert Blight?

Eastern Filbert Blight is caused by the fungus Anisogramma anomola and is indigenous to the Northeast United States. It is an unimportant parasite causing a small canker on the native American Hazelnut, Corylus americana. However, on the introduced and commercially important European Hazelnut, Corylus avellana, it causes a lethal disease. Early attempts to establish hazelnut orchards in the Northeast U.S. failed because the disease could not be controlled. Hazelnut production in the Pacific Northwest, which was free of the disease, flourished, but in 1973, the fungus was discovered there as well.


The first symptoms to appear on infected trees are elliptical black stromata. They are formed in longitudinal rows on infected branches, and appear only after extended cold periods, usually between Symptoms and Signs Anisogramma anomola May and August. The first stromata to appear erupt from branches 12-18 months after the initial infection. The infected area is known as a canker, and these cankers are perennial, adding both additional rows and more stromata to existing rows each year. On European Hazelnut, these cankers can expand from a few centimeters up to 1 meter annually; on American Hazelnut they increase by only 1-10 centimeters in the same amount of time. Infected branches become girdled. Leaves on these branches die, remain attached, and flag the presence of the disease during the summer months. The tree declines, with many leafless, dead, and dying branches visible in the canopy. If no action is taken, in 5-12 years time the tree will be dead.

Management Strategies


Scout trees in the winter for cankers, and in the summer between July and August for flagging branches. Check these for cankers as well.


Infected branches should be pruned .6 to .9 meters below the edge of a canker, as the fungus grows ahead of the area in which it produces reproductive structures. The cut branches should be burned or chipped, because the fungus can continue to sporulate in the branch as long as it has moisture.

Full Removal

Sometimes the tree just cannot be saved. This is where Denbow’s onsite grinding services came in to help out. We dispatched or mobile grinder to site to help chip up the diseased hazelnut trees. We feel for the farmer and the loss that this infection has had on their farms. We hopefully helped save other hazelnut trees in the area.

Here is a video from the project.

We would be happy to provide you with a free quote to take care of grinding the tree piles, with an option to haul the ground material out.

Coaching in Haiti

Bill Boesterd, President of Denbow, coaching business owners in Haiti

There’s a saying, ‘give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him to fish and he eats for a life time’. Partners Worldwide understands that opportunity, and engages business owners and professionals to come alongside small and medium business owners in developing countries, to coach and mentor them to grow their businesses, and thereby alleviate poverty.


One of Bill’s passions is coaching and mentoring, within  his own business, at Trinity Western University in the School of Business, and now working with Partners Worldwide in Les Cayes Haiti.  Together with a group of business owners from the Fraser Valley, Bill has been making 2 trips a year to Haiti for the last 3 years.

Having recently returned from Haiti, Bill was encouraged that this trip was again a step forward as a teaching tool was introduced in the form of a business workbook, Growbook, written in Haitian Creole.

One of Bill’s observations “I see people who were existing from day to day, now having hope for a better tomorrow. Hope is the foundation for a dream, and dreams are being built.”


Snow for Mercedes

We recently installed snow on set for a Mercedes car commercial! It was a pleasure to work again with Mark and Aaron in special effects from Means of Production.
Mark said “You and your team could not have been anymore professional, helpful or pleasant to work with. This project would not have been the success it was, or even possible without Denbow. Josh is an outstanding onsite rep for your company, as were each and every team member. Thank-you Willetta. Kindest Regards. Mark”
One of the set locations that we blew snow was at a Cineplex theatre parking lot; check out the video:

BCSLA Showcase

Tomorrow and Saturday we’re participating in the BC Society of Landscape Architects (BCSLA) 2016 Annual Conference and Showcase.  Landscape Architects, visit us in booth #16 to check out our models of Cascadia Green Wall System and EcoBlanket.

Looking forward to meeting  you and focusing on “Shifting Currents:  Rethinking our Relationships with Water”.

Delegate Bag imprint

Your opportunity awaits!

Our spring season is in full swing and we’re short on people to do all the work!  We are hiring for an Installer position – a labourer who will work with a driver operating a blower truck.  No experience required – we will train you.  You’ll install sawdust, mulch, soil, aggregate and compost for various applications on sites around the Lower Mainland.

For more information and to apply online, head on over to our Careers page.  We’d love to hear from you if you’re interested in joining our wonderful team!



Fraser Valley Spring

What a beautiful spring day here in the Fraser Valley!  Blooming trees & flowers, bright blue skies and gorgeous snow-capped Mt Cheam.  We are blessed to have lots of early spring work, and it’s sure enjoyable on a day like today!

Fraser Valley Spring Denbow

Congratulations to the B.C. Young Farmers of the Year

We would like to congratulate our clients, Brian & Jewel Pauls and Frank Pauls! 

“A Chilliwack couple as become the first second-generation winners of the BC Yukon Outstanding Young Farmer program.

Brian and Jewel Pauls, who operate a poultry and egg farm in Chilliwack, won the honour in Abbotsford on Jan. 13.

Brian’s parents, Frank and Elma Pauls, earned the same award in 1990.

Brian Pauls

Although Pauls claims to own “only one farm,” with 17,000 broilers and 55,000 caged white and free range brown layers, he also manages the family’s “multiple” egg, broiler and turkey farms in BC and Saskatchewan. The holdings include Canada’s first certified humane turkey farm.

“We raise broilers, pullets, layers and turkeys and grow a multitude of crops which use a lot of chicken manure,” the Pauls say.

The Pauls holdings may rival some of the mega-farms in the US, but their operational model is completely different.

“We buy family farms and hire families to live on and manage them,” Pauls says, noting this gives opportunities to people who may not have the capital to own their own farm. It also helps spread the risk of a potentially-devastating avian influenza or other poultry disease outbreak. The value of that was demonstrated last year as they only had to depopulate one barn during the most recent AI outbreak. “Our birds were not infected,” Pauls stresses, “but our farm was within the restricted zone.”

Pauls has had a life-long interest in farming. When he was still a toddler, his father welded a carseat onto the tractor so Brian could accompany him around the farm. Although he went to study agriculture at the University of BC on a scholarship in the mid-1990s, he jumped at the chance to return home after just a year when his father offered him the opportunity to become the farm manager.

To be eligible for the Outstanding Young Farmer award, farmers must be between 19 and 39 years and derive at least two-thirds of their income from farming. Nominees are judged on conservation practices, production history, financial and management practices, and community contributions.

Brian and Jewel Pauls will represent BC at the national OYF competition in Niagara Falls, ON, in November.

The BCOYF program is sponsored by the BC Broiler Hatching Egg Commission, Clearbrook Grain & Milling, Farm Credit Canada and Insure Wealth. The national competition is supported by AdFarm, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Annex Business Media, Bayer Crop Science, BDO, CIBC, Farm Management Canada and John Deere.”

Source: The Chilliwack Progress