Success with Seeds – Seminar

Interested in learning more about starting plants from seeds?  Expert Brian Minter is holding a seminar this Saturday on the topic:

“Starting plants from seeds is a breeze once you know the basics. Brian shares his expertise on how to start seeds, prepare your garden and transplant seedlings and advises on the best soils and media to use. Please call 604.792.6612 to register. Minter Country Garden

Need to add nutrients to your garden plot?  Pre-order Denbow’s VeggieZone™ soil today!

Our VeggieZone™ soil will help you grow your best vegetables ever.  Specifically formulated for vegetable gardens, it is fine and rich in organic matter – and your vegetables will thrive. Ask for it by name.


Rithet Reservoir

This week we have a crew working on Vancouver Island in the District of Saanich, on the Rithet Reservoir Replacement project.

Rithet Reservoir Terraseeding

Terraseeding™ was specified by RATIO – the process was a good fit with their goal of “dissolving the box.”   RATIO’s design elements on this project are set up to “work together not just to disguise a functional structure, but to create something beautiful. The end result will be a reservoir that feels at home in this residential community.”  Check out the project info and concept drawings on RATIO‘s website.

We are honoured to provide an excellent solution to vegetating this reservoir, ultimately creating a beautiful natural green space for the local residents.

Fresh mulch for spring landscaping

Spring is definitely in the air here in the beautiful Fraser Valley!  At Denbow, that means we are busy building our stock by processing fresh piles of mulch.


What are the benefits of mulching landscape beds?  Most of us hate pulling weeds – and mulching at 2-3″ depth every other year will help keep those pesky weeds under control.  But did you know that mulching also helps retain moisture for your plants as well as maintain a better temperature for your plants?  By mulching in the spring, you’re preparing for hot summer weather.  The mulch will keep the soil cooler during extremely hot weather.  Mulch also protects the soil from eroding and depleting.  And of course, your landscape looks tidy, vibrant and beautiful!

Available in Black or Red, coloured mulch is the best choice for weed control and longer lasting colour.  Made in-house for best quality, ask for it delivered bulk, blown-in or stop by our yard with your pickup truck.
