Support our local BC poultry industry, and eat chicken! Check out for some yummy recipes, or try this recipe from Michelle, our Agriculture Services Manager:

Mango Chicken
4 chicken breasts
½ cup + 2 Tbsp Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce
½ cup water
½ cup tropical fruit juice (passion fruit/pineapple/orange/mango/peach)
¼ cup sugar
2 Tbsp vinegar
2 Tbsp cornstarch/water
1 large ripe mango

Marinade chicken in ½ cup Thai sauce for 4-6 hours, or overnight.

Mix water, juice, sugar and vinegar in sauce pan. Bring to a slow boil; thicken with cornstarch mixed with water.

Stir in 2 Tbsp Thai sauce.

Grill chicken on barbeque for 15-20 minutes.

Chop mango and add to sauce. Spoon sauce over chicken.
