Garden Soil
Looking to improve nutrition in your gardens? We recommend GroZone™.
It all starts and ends with the soil you use. GroZone is our premium soil. High in beneficial organic matter, screened fine with a beautiful rich colour, it will enrich your plants. Specifically formulated for excellent growth of vegetables, roses, annual plantings and flower bed planters, with GroZone your plants will thrive. Ask for it by name.

Two years post your great soil and the garden is thriving. Your soil makes the rest look like sawdust. Thanks for providing a superior product!

GroZone uses:
- new veggie gardens: till into the ground or in raised beds
- amend existing gardens
- planters
The nutrients in GroZone are good for the initial start of most seeds and lettuce and greens etc. Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers etc. will very likely need additional food. Fertilization may be required after plants have established, according to crop type and amount of times the soil is used. We recommend a well balanced organic fertilizer. We also recommend topping up the soil on a annual basis. Note that this is not an indoor potting mix so it should not be used as an indoor seed starter.
Outdoor Potting Mix
This soil would make an ideal outdoor potting mix for containers. It has the right structure and with it’s high organic matter it will hold water well. As with veggies we would recommend fertilization dependent on plant material as required. It has an ideal pH for most plants other than blueberries or other plants that like a really acid soil.
Annual or Rose Gardens
GroZone is a premium soil that will look good with dressy annuals and roses. It should be placed 4-6 inches (or more) on top of existing soil beds and then planted directly into it. Feeding will likely be required as the season wears on. We don’t recommend that they build entire new beds with this soil that are 12-18 inches deep. It can work in specific situations, but with the finer texture and higher organic matter it may have tendency to get overly saturated in the winter. It will also tend to recede or shrink year over year.
GroZone is a true premium soil, contact us to arrange for delivery or blow-in installation.
Pneumatically-blown Soil
In many applications, it makes sense to have our skilled crews save you precious time by blowing-in our soil blends for you. Let us do the work for you. More Info
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