Project Specifier: Narayan Abhyankar
Designing for projects small and large, Valley Geotechnical Services provides soil and foundation engineering & testing services. Principal Narayan Abhyankar, FEC, PEng, values the natural solutions Denbow offers for slope stabilization and revegetation. After patterning on many projects, Narayan and his team is confident in Denbow’s installation and regularly specify EcoBlanket®, Terraseeding and the Cascadia Green Wall System. In fact, Valley Geotechnical has been instrumental in the development of the Cascadia Green Wall System, from the initial idea years ago, to drawing up and testing walls that Denbow is currently installing.

Valley Geotechnical Team
In developing the Cascadia Green Wall system, I was looking for an environmentally friendly, cost effective green wall solution which is easy to install even in the most trying terrain conditions. The wall has evolved from its early stages in that various seed mixes can now be used to provide an aesthetically pleasing result. We have designed and supervised construction of up to 6m high walls.