Onsite Composting
Using the portable AG-bag system, Denbow is able to compost directly on-site, with little odour and minimal carbon emission. Onsite composting is an opportunity to use wood waste in ways that keeps most of the organic material in its original ecological system and enhances conservation.
Our fleet of grinders, screeners, loaders and composting equipment is mobile for convenient and cost effective on-site processing. The Ag-Bag In-Vessel composting system provides a technology that eliminates the challenges of open air composting and ensures that managed organic material can be monitored safely and effectively with minimal labour and low initial set-up costs. By filling elongated bags or “PODs” (Preferred Organic Digesters) with organic material processed through an Ag-Bag compost machine and outfitted with air tubes throughout, the system becomes a controlled environment.
We have successfully closed the loop on land clearing debris on large projects including the 2010 Olympic Nordic Venue and the Kicking Horse Canyon Park Bridge project in Golden, BC.
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